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What are some interesting facts that are not widely known?

What are some interesting facts that are not widely known

What are some interesting facts that are not widely known?

Along with King Tut, perhaps no figure is more famous to ancient Egypt than Cleopatra VII. But at the time of her birth in Alexandria, Cleopatra was actually part of a long line of Greek Macedonians descended from Ptolemy I, one of Alexander the Great’s most trusted lieutenants. The Ptolemaic Dynasty ruled Egypt from 323 BC to 30 B.C., and many of its leaders remained largely Greek in their culture and sensibilities. In fact, Cleopatra was famous for being one of the first members of the Ptolemaic dynasty to speak the Egyptian language. 11 Things You May Not Know About Ancient Egypt – History Lists

Olduvai Gorge – Sweep in humans

Olduvai Gorge is located in East Africa and is considered the most important archaeological site in the world due to its importance in human evolution. This place contains human remains that are determined to be 1.9 Million years old! Moreover, this place has been continuously occupied for thousands of years and was most likely the first human civilization. The archaeologist has uncovered evidence of scavenging among excavation tools, rock art formations, and most importantly humans. The scavenging evidence comes from bones with teeth marks on them rather than cut marks from some tools. Moreover, this civilization consisted of humans who were hunters and gatherers, and was a close-knit community due to the amount of remains and signs of human interaction.10 Archaeological Discoveries That Changed History Forever | ListSurge

Hitler had raised an army of talking dogs.

According to Jan Bondeson, Hitler and his valet recruited “trained” dogs with whom they communicated (tapping their paws, barking, and wagging their tails) and even called one “Mein Fuhrer!” they barked. These dogs were (apparently) supposed to help win the war, which makes some sense given that Hitler was heavily attached to his dogs Blondi and Bella. (The ex killed himself before he killed himself.) 10 things you didn’t know about Hitler

Cave of Altamira- Our ancestors were clever

The discovery of Altamira in Spain in 1880 caused a sensation among leading archaeologists. This cave has daily shattered theory upon theory and completely changed the way we perceive prehistoric humans. The leading theory among archaeologists in the early 20th century was that prehistoric humans lacked any artistic, language, or communication skills. After the discovery of this cave by an amateur archaeologist, Marcelino Sanz de Sautuola, the above-mentioned theory was shelved due to the magnificent paintings and art discovered inside. When the cave was finally confirmed as real after 20 years of exploration, it convinced people that our distant ancestors were more advanced than we thought. 10 Archaeological Discoveries That Changed History Forever | ListSurge

Our world is mysterious and many of its mysteries are still a mystery.


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